Monday, June 29, 2009
Saturday, June 27, 2009
A great article in the SC Times
If your looking for info on the criterium tomorrow check here!
If you'd like to volunteer read posts below for info and contact people!
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Folks, we could use some corner help on Sunday at the Crit. The Retirees that originally volunteered are a bit gun shy with the forecast heat, consequently my volunteer numbers have taken a hit. I’m looking for people to sit at the course corners and make sure no one tries to drive on the course. There will be barricades at every corner, so these are only precautionary measures. As I see it, it could be a very nice day in the sun!
We will need corner folk from 830 – 1300 and 1300 – 1700.
Please let me know if you can help and what shift would work best for you.
Thanks, Jim
P.S. Food and drink will be provided…
Contact Jim Bell (see post below)
Monday, June 22, 2009
State Crit Coming to St. Cloud
Time to get organized and help volunteer this weekend for the State Crit, here in St. Cloud! Contact Jim if you can help out! Support local cycling!
Folks, biggest race in St Cloud history this weekend and we have opportunities for volunteers…..
We will need help setting up and tearing down as well as some modest help on the corners.
Set up;
7am Sunday June 28
Meet at Tech High School
Work detail:
Hang banners
Place Hay Bales
Set up Barricades
Set up Scaffolding
Set up Snow Fence
Set up Tents
Tear down;
Take it all down
We would appreciate any help you can be….
Thanks, Jim
Jim BellATS, Inc
320-255-7458 office
320-258-8853 fax
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Trail Updates

Mike Schroden and two others (Dan and Matt?) got down to Plum Creek Thursday night and cleaned up the trails and cut down some of the monstrous grass. Thanks Guys!!
Plum Creek and the N. Loop have gotten some much needed love so riding should be good to great once again.
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Trail Work Report
Anyway, I did get a good story about the lawn mower from Anderson once we returned home that I have to share... He was mowing for an hour and forty minutes and was sort of hearing some clanking noise through his ear protection and didn't think much of it. Apparently it started after he got the mower stuck on a huge stick which stopped the mower, he had to pry it off the stick... So he started up the mower and carried along his way, mowing along and then looked down and there was the blade right at his feet! Hmmm.....
Oh, Trail work Thursday Night at Plum Creek @ 6:00 p.m. Get down there and maybe you too will have a " I was just mowing along" story!
Star of The North Games-Running Race
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Fun Low Key Event
Monday, June 15, 2009
Trail Work
Wednesday June 17th
North Loop Trail Work, 6:30 p.m.
Meet up at the North Loop Trail head. Bring clippers and bug spray! Wear long pants and shirt to prevent bug bites, poison ivy, and wood ticks. Mowing and clipping will be taking place.
Thursday June 18th
Trail Work will be conducted at the Plum Creek/ River Bluffs Trail system, 6:00 p.m.
Mowing and clipping of overgrowth will be taking place. Bring Bug Spray, gloves, clippers and the such. Also as a side note wear long sleeves and pants as this will prevent bug bites, poison ivy and wood ticks.
Please meet up at the White Gate off of 33rd Avenue.
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Summer Solstice Film Festival
Hi. I'm the producer of a new film called “Bicycle Dreams.” It’s a documentary about the Race Across America, a cross country bicycle race that challenges riders to cover 3000 miles in under ten days. The film looks at the motivations of the riders and their dedicated crews, exploring what it takes both physically and mentally to deal with the extreme challenges of this incredible race.
I’m writing to you because the film will be playing this week at the Solstice Film Festival in Minneapolis and we’re looking for the support of the local cycling community. There seem to be very few cycling films out there so we look at this as an opportunity to bring local bike enthusiasts together.
“Bicycle Dreams” will be playing Saturday June 20th at 11AM at the Suburban World Theater. For tickets and more information, go to
To watch a trailer for the film go to And if you're interested in the film but can't make it to the screening, DVDs are available on our website,
If you can pass this info on to the members of your club or post it on your website, I’d really appreciate it. “Bicycle Dreams” is a film that really captures the spirit of cycling and the dedication required to commit to it, so I’m doing everything I can to reach out to the cycling community. Please let me know if you have any questions or comments and thanks for your time!