Hello all! Just passing along some info on the APO. If interested in planning on the local level this is a great organization to be a part of. -MMCC
The next APO Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee meeting will be held on Tuesday, May 28th at the St. Cloud Library in the Array Room from 6:00-7:00 pm.
We will discuss the results of our recent bicycle and pedestrian counts
and finalize a list of road segments for a Bicycle Level of Service
study this summer. There will also be information on ideal bicycle
facilities at interchanges, railroad crossings, and roundabouts as well
as member coordination on upcoming events and projects. Our usual July
meeting will be a bicycle ride instead of the typical meeting. I hope to
see you at some of the bicycle and pedestrian events this summer!
Angie Stenson, AICP
Senior Transportation Planner
St. Cloud Area Planning Organization
1040 County Rd. 4
St. Cloud, MN 56303-0643
Phone: 320-252-7568 ext. 102
Fax: 320-252-6557
Website: www.stcloudapo.org