Monday, June 15, 2009

Trail Work

A busy week for trail work. The trails need a little love so get out and volunteer! Thanks!

Wednesday June 17th
North Loop Trail Work, 6:30 p.m.
Meet up at the North Loop Trail head. Bring clippers and bug spray! Wear long pants and shirt to prevent bug bites, poison ivy, and wood ticks. Mowing and clipping will be taking place.

Thursday June 18th
Trail Work will be conducted at the Plum Creek/ River Bluffs Trail system, 6:00 p.m.

Mowing and clipping of overgrowth will be taking place. Bring Bug Spray, gloves, clippers and the such. Also as a side note wear long sleeves and pants as this will prevent bug bites, poison ivy and wood ticks.

Please meet up at the White Gate off of 33rd Avenue.